Hearts like Ours

Keep adventuring and stay not a grown up :)

Büyülü İstanbul geceleri

Only the heart knows how to find what is precious. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Un cospect asuprea vizitei in Istanbul in ordinea evenimentelor - conduc aproape haotic si detin abilitati incredibile in ceea ce priveste strecuratul pe bulevard si franare la limita, sunt chemati la rugaciune de trei ori pe zi (atat am numarat eu), iti ofera toate detaliile de care ai nevoie chiar daca decizi sau nu sa cumperi, te ispitesc intr-un mod cat de poate de marsav cu turkish delight si gozlem preparate intr-un loc special amenajat langa geam, te invita insistent in restaurantele lor si iti ofera ceai negru din partea casei servit traditional (eu am cerut de mere, hihi), si ei au pita (lipie-paine penru kebap), dupa patru zile in Old Town realizezi ca e jaf la drumul mare (preturile sunt de 3x mai mari in comparatie cu alte zone deci strict pe descoperit cultura), arunca gunoaie pe unde apuca pentru ca lucratorii lor de la salubritate sunt intr-o activitate continua, pisici peste tot! In statii de autobuz (tramvai in zona Sultanahmet), in moschee, in vitrinele magazinelor, in Grand Bazaar. Monumente desavarsite cu peisaje superbe. Indragostita iremediabil si irevocabil de Topkapi Sarayi, palatul lui Suleyman (si Bayazid si Selim si Mehmed, etc) care este construit precum cetatea Rasnov, in stilul specific si fascinant otoman, loc unde am descoperit ca se afla sabia lui Stefan Cel Mare'nin haha!

Long story short Journey to Istanbul in oder of events - they drive chaotically and also got incredible skills when they sneak down the boulevard and hit the brake pad at the minimum distance, you can hear priests on speaker on the street calling for them to pray three times per day (at least that's my counting), they give you all the glory details even if you're gonn buy something or not, they lure you like the snake with Turkish Delight and gozlem (turkish pie) preparing it right in front of you, they keep inviting you to taste their food at the restaurant and offers black tea on the house (I always asked for apple), they also got the "pita" (a different kind of bread), after four days in the Old Town you figure it out that it's pure robbery (the prices are 3x comparing with others districts, so its strict to discover a new culture), they throw garbage on the streets because the garbage collectors are always reporting for duty, and cats everywhere! On the bus stations (tramway on the Sultanahmet area), in the mosquees, shop fronts, in Grand Bazaar. Extraordinary monuments and landscapes that take your breath away. Irremediably and irrevocably in love with Topkapi Sarayi, the palace of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent (and Bayazid and Selim and Mehmed, etc.) which its architecture reminds me of the Rasnov fortress, with the fascinating otoman style, the place where I've discovered the stolen sword of our prince Stefan Cel Mare'nin (Stephen the Great'nin of Moldavia - translated in turkish, haha!)

Quote of the day: Be in love with your life. Every minute of it.

Day 1 - Sultanahmet, Aya Sofya, Sultan Ahmet Camii, Grand Bazaar
Day 2 - Taksim, Galata Kulesi
Day 3 - Topkapi Sarayi

 Day 4 - monkeing around