"Always believe in yourself. No matter who's around you being negative or thrusting negative energy at you, totally block it off. Because whatever you believe, you become."
Please be a traveler not a tourist, try new things, meet new people, and look beyond what's right in front of you. Those are the keys to understanding this amazing world we live in. Andrew Zimmern
JULY COCKTAIL #Sibiu #AlbaIulia #Brasov
Seri de iulie cu impuls de spontaneitate. Dimineti cu brize racoroase care te prind cu mintea ocupata de lucruri pure, descoperind locuri noi, strazi noi, memorand detalii. Dimineti in care te pierzi pe strazi necunoscute, alunec printre straini rasucindu-ma usor pentru a-mi continua drumul intr-un dans simplu si pentru a pastra voia buna specifica orasului unde cladirile nu foarte inalte incearca sa impresioneze prin rafinamentul arhitecturii romanesti. Descopar un pasaj care ma poata spre un anume Pod al Mincinosilor peste care trec cu incredere, schitand un zambet pentru ca sunt una de-al lor si urc scari inguste pentru a ma bucura de privelistea peste oras care ma ameteste cu frumusete si caut un loc potrivit pentru a-mi regasi gandurile ramase o data cu pasii in urma.
#FLC (FilmLaCinema) Minions - trezeste amintiri frumoase; copil, nu il ocoli! Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation - actiune captivanta, am ras copios, mi-a amintit de Johnny English si am observat ca incisivii centrali ai lui Tom Cruise nu sunt deloc centrali. Lost Girl - misterios, desigur, cu o doza ceva mai mare de dementa din partea amandurora, asemenea The Loft un film chiar foarte bun pe tema impusa. Terminator: Genysis - neasteptat, amuzant pe ici colo, actiunea si detaliile m-au captivat, plus ca Emilia este o femeie intr-adevar frumoasa, iar Arnold e in plina forma pentru a nu se pierde esenta acestor filme. Foarte bun; Jurassic World - eu m-am indragostit iremediabil de Chris Pratt dupa experienta Star Lord, m-am bucurat de el si in acesta. EN: July evenings with a spontaneity pulse. Mornings with those cool breezes that got you while your mind its filled with pure things, discovering new places, new streets, memorizing the details. These kind of mornings when you get lost on unknown streets, I'm slipin' among strangers, twirling to carry on my way in a simple dance and keep the good vibe specific to that city where the not so tall buildings try to impress with the daintiness of romanian architecture. I discover a passage that's carrying me to a so called Bridge of Liars which I cross it with confidene, with a smile on my face because I know I'm one of them and I climb tight stairs so I can enjoy the landscape over the city, all that beauty its making me dizzy so I look for a place to rest my thoughts that I left behind along with my steps.
Day 1 - Alba Iulia Cetatea Alba Carolina
Day 2 - Sibiu Piata Mare, Piata Mica, Piata Huet, Muzeul Brukenthal, Muzeul satului ASTRA
If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. ♥ Filme, schite, muzica, desene, relaxare, flori, cappuccino, Disney, Marvel, Leonardo DiCaprio and to be continued.