Hearts like Ours

Keep adventuring and stay not a grown up :)


Uite domnule ca maine este 1 aprilie, o zi dedicata farselor, in majoritate stupide.
Cred ca in acest an imi voi suna surioara, s-o mint ca sunt la metrou, in eroilor si m`o muscat un catel de pecior pentru ca nu i-am dat si lui din portia mea de fasui.
De ce multi nu realizeaza ca in fond o farsa nu mai conteaza in momentul cand tie ti se face iar tu te scobesti in nas si nici nu razi! Asta am patit eu. But this is not something interesting.
Whatever ..momentan rontai si eu niste resturi de covrigi,ramasi de la andreea de acum 3 zile. Poate imi va venii vreo idee stralucita, overnight.


In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight

Near the village, the peaceful village
The lion sleeps tonight
Near the village, the peaceful village
The lion sleeps tonight

Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling
The lion sleeps tonight
Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling
The lion sleeps tonight

[He, ha helelemama]

Near the village, the peaceful village
The lion sleeps tonight
Near the village, the peaceful village
The lion sleeps tonight

My little darling
Don't fear, my little darling
My little darling
Don't fear, my little darling

Ingonyama ilele .